Nashville Hip and Pelvis is a global destination for world class orthopaedic care.
Many Nashville Hip and Pelvis patients travel to Nashville from out of state for surgery. Some patients travel farther than others with our most distant patients coming from Europe, India and South America! While the challenges and restrictions associated with traveling for surgery during the CoVID-19 pandemic are difficult, we continue to make this process as easy on YOU as possible.
Patients can request a Telehealth initial consultation to ensure they are appropriate surgical candidates and to do the initial informational session remotely. We can get the rest done here in Nashville over a three day trip.
On site: Meet Dr. F and her team, attend the hospital Pre-Operative Medical appointment, and then undergo hip replacement surgery the next day. We have large patient suites to stay in or you can choose to be discharged the day of surgery and return either home or to your hotel.
While most hotels in Nashville are open, MCO/Nashville Hip and Pelvis/Nashville Knee and Shoulder have an established relationship with the Hayes Street Hotel which is walking distance from the hospital. Rates are $99/night (see below for details) We can help you with this and other travel information.
Unfortunately, much of “Nashville Experience” is on hold at this time. That said, limited businesses, restaurants, and activities are slowly but surely opening up. Take a look on “Open Table” for open restaurants to make a reservation for dinner the night before surgery!

Hayes Street Hotel
1909 Hayes Street
(615) 320-0110
Reservations at 1-888-451-7171
or click here: https://reservations.travelclick.com/102161?RatePlanId=4641899
$99.00* per night with complimentary continental breakfast daily.
*Taxes not included-see below for more information
*Note-this “in-and-out” approach to surgery is most commonly not an option for PAO patients or hip preservation patients, who commonly require more work-up than a single visit will allow. It can be an option for some abductor repairs depending on the prior work up and advanced imaging studies. Call (615)-406-0095 to see if your condition is amenable to a single trip in to Nashville.
*Rate is NLRL, high demand dates may not have the rate available. Does not include city and state occupancy taxes and city fees. Includes complimentary continental breakfast daily. Reservations can be cancelled without penalty prior to 4PM before the date of arrival. Obtain a cancellation number from the reservation specialist. Verify your departure date and time with the Agent at check in as your check out may be before 5:00 AM for early surgery.